Sunday, March 2, 2014

What is The Digital Libarian?

If I were to define myself in the context of our digital age. What  I would best describe myself as is a digital librarian with sprinkles of the digital nomad inserted throughout. I can’t get enough of digital storage I have lost countless flash drives and store content in a variety of places then I can count with both hands.   

(When talking about being the Digital Librarian and sharing and producing content I can't help but imagine a blank room like in this scene in the matrix where one can create and re purpose at will. That's a topic for another time and a bit too William Gibson.)

What is a Digital Librarian?

A Digital Librarian is a scrounger and an archiver.  I believe it’s someone who is sort of like the human version of the Google spider(s). They archive websites plus other content for both immediate and later use.

It’s not just the mindless hoarding of digital content even though it may sometimes feel like it. In marketing terms the digital librarian is an influencer with the ability to introduce others to new products and ideas that suit their needs. The digital librarian is the informed user and producer.   

“Universal access to human knowledge is in our grasp, for the first time in the history of the world. This is not a bad thing.” (Doctorow Introduction Little Brother)
"Re-purpose Content" Original by opportplanet

Doctorow understands the digital librarian and his/her  purpose to accesses the collective human knowledge as well as share it. He also can help explain the digital librarian as an informed user and prouder.

Even though this next statement is in the context of eBooks I believe it applies to other text and knowledge as well  

“EBook's are verbs, not nouns. You copy them, it's in their nature. And many of those copies have a destination, a person they're intended for, a hand-wrought transfer from one person to another, embodying a personal recommendation between two people who trust each other enough to share bits.”  (Doctorow Introduction Little Brother)

My version of  "Re- Purpose Content:

Doctorow here states that the digital librarian wishes to experience and interact with his tools as someone who shares knowledge and finds knowledge to share. This is an intimate and personal thing where the digital librarian is allowing access to the information  and knowledge he/she has spent hours scrounging and archiving.  The digital librarian is the informed user/producer because he/she believes in  sharing and free nonrestrictive use to archive, alter, share, copy etc.


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