Sunday, December 9, 2012

Street Fighter x Mega Man

Street Fighter X Mega Man screenshots

I'm a pretty recent convert to the classic Mega Man series outside of the Mega Man Battle Network games  and TV Show back from my youth I wasn't really too involved with Mega Man related things. I did recently start to play the classic Mega Man games and I love them. What sparked my interest into them was one day at the grocery store I picked up Archie Comic's Mega Man which I absolutely love  and is one of two comics the other being Supergirl that I pick up in store or make a priority of reading when they come out. Archie's Mega Man is a great all ages comic that deals  with some pretty heavy stuff. AOL's Comics Alliance calls it the smartest super-hero  comic on stands Chris Sims makes a great case for it.  On the site there is also a nice podcast interview/talk with Ian Flynn the current writer of the Mega Man comic which is worth a listen to. I also read the Mega Man Megamix manga which I also really loved and hope to read the rest of the volumes in the series because it's really great. I'm really excited to play Street Fighter X Mega Man on Monday and I think it's really cool of Capcom to give one of their fans permission to do this.

"Fight! Mega Man! For everlasting peace!"

Thursday, December 6, 2012

How to Build a Kaiju-Fighting Giant Robot

Angela Watercutter of Wired highlighted a piece of marketing from  Guillermo Del Toro’s "Pacific Rim". "Pacific Rim is an homage to Kaiju the giant monster movies from Japan. Kaiju are part of the Tokusatsu genre which translates into special effects. Popular franchisees from this genre include Kamen Rider,Godzilla and Super Sentai which is better known to American audiences as its American adaptation "Power Rangers".  I think this is a really cool piece of marketing and I'm excited too see this film. I am found of the Kaiju and Tokusatsu genres. I love the cool visual designs of the monsters as well as the giant robots and the way they look and seeing them animated on the screen.  I enjoy watching Tokusatsu for its visuals and fight choreography.

Are Videogames Art?

On Wired John Maeda wrote an opinion piece in which he argues that video games belong in the Museum of Modern Art. The Museum of Modern Art acquired a number of games to display in a new category. The games the museum acquired for display include Pac-Man,Donkey Kong,SimCity and others.  There are those out there like Roger Ebert that argue that video games aren't art which is a point that I disagree with. Most modern video games provides narrative that immerse the player in a rich story narrative.
Video games require art design and animation which are both artistic elements.
 The Mass Effect series despite the backlash towards the ending is considered an essential and classic piece of Sci-fi like "Star Wars" or "Hitch Hikers Guide to the Galaxy".
The Mass Effect series sets up an expansive world with a variety of planets and a massive amount of lore and background.
As video games evolve the story telling potential and interactivity increases. While gameplay is an important  of any video game I see the game play as more like the cinematography of a movie as well as the vehicle that helps the player interact with the world.    Video games are an interactive art form that transport the players to other worlds and inspire creativity like any other medium.