Sunday, March 2, 2014

Digital Libarian Countinued

The digital librarian hopes to preserve knowledge and spread it to others. “For me -- for pretty much every writer -- the big problem isn't piracy, it's obscurity (thanks to Tim O'Reilly for this great aphorism). Of all the people who failed to buy this book today, the majority did so because they never heard of it, not because someone gave them a free copy.”  (Doctorow Introduction Little Brother)  Doctorow here states that every writer fears obscurity and that success or failure  isn’t a measure on people giving away stuff but about knowledge

Botherhood Of Steel by Sauron94(The text on the image comes from the tenets of Kopimism a religion in a similar vain to that of the satirical Pastafarianism.)The logo on the image is the logo of the Brotherhood of Steel a fictional group in the world of "Fallout". They gather old world technology in the post Apocalypse and also have scribes that scavenge for Pre apocalypse books and information. In order to keep it safe and preserved.")
Doctorow’s statement here  about writers also applies to other producers and consumers of content everyone’s biggest fear is obscurity. The digital librarian as the informed user/producer tries to prevent this by sharing and re-purposing content. The digital librarian is much like one of those elder wanders in bad post-apocalyptic SC-FI  guarding and sharing cultural knowledge as well as finding new purposes for it.

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