One of the things in the film that I find interesting in this film is Portman's character who is acting in the film and in the reality of it as well she's playing a character who in turns play someone else. This opens up a discussion I find interesting concerning meta text and narrative in film and outside of film.
So look at the title "True" this obviously refers to the events in the film proper,but outside of that it's a falsehood or is it? I just find it interesting when characters in movies or TV are actors themselves similar to a character in a fiction piece who is also a writer. These characters can often be used to comment on some trend or trope in the work. In the nature of the actor though in the film they have to convince us that they are the character on screen some obviously do a better job at this than others.
Outside of the screen it's always an interesting thought of someone that's a good actor being able to convince someone of a notion they don't really share you don't think it's done,but then there whole job is to tell "lies". So it is an interesting musing.
I think part of this film has to do with feelings and emotions. Sometimes we can convince ourselves of certain things even though we don't believe them or act a certain way even though this isn't who are. Some people "become the mask" and start to believe they are who they pretend to be or believe in the ideals they were pretending to belong to.
It's like method acting where an actor can become engrossed in the part and forget themselves. On other matters though it's not uncommon to maybe be persuaded that something you believe in is just something your just making up. If you tell yourself something enough times or are told it by someone you're probably likely to start to believe it. Similarly to "Fake it till you make it"
Truth,beliefs and perception our complicated is is "art being like life or life being like art"?
Hmmm, a mind twist: it's worth thinking that this consciousness of acting/lies can be extended all the way back to Rashomon and the court scenes.... Perhaps you might want to revisit these ideas on our final paper.