Years after its release Amelie is still having an affect on pop culture. In his 2011 track the rapper Childish Gambino name drops the movie in his song "My Shine" he uses the line as a way he's saying he's going to focus on his music as much as "indie girls" focus on Amelie. It's always tongue in cheek saying that his music appeals to all groups.
On Amelie itself I've seen the film a number of times and it isn't one I get bored with similar to Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. Though this one for me is a much better film to cheer you up if you're feeling down. Though the other film does end "happy" though that is up to debate. In Amelie though pretty much every character you meet get some time of resolution to them. When Amelie decideds to set things right it isn't really malicious but just harmless mischief. There is a real whimsical and fairy tale aspect to it. You really get this feeling in the visuals of Paris and just the vibrancy of the colors. I did almost type musical instead of whimsical though I guess it is appropriate since the film is seeing a musical adaption.
My favorite thing that spawned from Amelie though is the show "Pushing Daises" it's a really quirky and sweet show. The creator of the show admits that Amelie is his favorite film and he drew from it. This is scene a lot in the narration that is throughout the series. Also it's vibrant visual style which is described somewhere between Amelie and Tim Burton. I watched the series just because of the directors comments that the show was heavily influenced by Amelie.
Nice to learn about PDaisies---and the indie girls line!