Friday, July 10, 2015

Final Blog

When comparing international film that is modern like The Artist and Amelie.  A lot of similarities can be seen with the films from years past.  In these films the leads aren't really Hollywood and neither are the  stories. The characters are somewhat unconventional and   quirky though not in the Hollywood wacky way. Their idiosyncrasy are much more genuine and subtle. I think these films have a lot of play on realism compared to the one American film we watched.  Though 12 angry men isn't conventional Hollywood.   I think there's an interesting conversation to be had on the individual and adulthood when it concerns these films.

How 12 Angry men is mundane and strict adult hierarchies and something like Amelie is more playful same could be said for the Artist.

The Artist

The Artist  is a celebration of silent film. It's also a celebration of change.  It reminded me a lot of  a TV drama called "An Adventure in Space and Time"  George Valentin in the movie is a huge silent film star than he's replace by Peppy Miller.  What reminded me of that special was  that it's  about the making of Doctor Who back in 1963. It shows us the rise of the original actor to play the part and he gets really into the role and the character he plays. Then there comes a point where he's told to step away and he just can't let it go. He's eventually replaced on a not so mutual decision.  Though he's work is still appreciated.  To bring it back around a lot of these silent film starts may be gone,but  there work can still be appreciated as much as it's style. I think this film tells us that we can look onto the past and borrow on it and build for the future.  A popular thing in recent times is using past elements in new films whether ironically or not.  It's a wonderful tribute to the silent film area. I watched the Phantom of the Opera the silent film version a while back with organ and all and that was quite an interesting experience. This film brings a similar experience to those    who may not want to sit through that.

Sunday, July 5, 2015

Blog of the Week

"To put it another way, why does she dress like Zoro in a black mask? Is she avenging some wrong? How is she helping the world/universe"

If anything is being avenged it's just the disillusionment or unsatisfactory nature of peoples lives.  Her goal is to make up wrongs in the world and bring happiness to people. She does this two fold by of course helping them out,but also to herself she keeps herself engaged up  helping others and makes it fun for herself.

She simply refuses to be bored or let anyone else be bored.  There is so much to do and see in life that there is no time for that.  All the things out there in the world contain wonder if those that are seemingly mundane. She's genuine and imaginative and intelligent.  The garden Nome is just that a lawn ornament. Though she turns it into a world traveler and in term her father.

These peoples aren't just for her,but how she thinks and problem solves.  In terms of their meaning I'd say that it's that sometimes for our sake we have to look outside of ourselves and into others.  By helping others sometimes or most of the times we end helping ourselves.

Amelie 2

So I was talking to someone about the film and they made an observation I hadn't thought of much before. They said  Amelie  projects her worries of life on TV. And then this person felt the same in that they reflected there own disappointments into the film.  I think the films resonance with people has to do with wanting to find "hope." The film revels in a type of magical realism and in hope.

It show us quirky,but doesn't look down  on it or revel in it in ironic manner. The film is genuine with it's characters. They have their flaws though it's  not malicious.  The flaws are things like social anxiety, general impatience or something similar. It's fairy tale esque in it's execution. 

Amelie is rebellious in her  nature of adulthood. I think this two has reason to do with the films success. Every now again you'll read articles about the stunted nature of young adults of this generation. Though I think it's a misunderstanding sure they may revel in what seems like childlike behavior it's just learning to not let go childhood interest in curiosity.  Now you see a much greater interest in childhood nostalgia than before.  It's all a  matter of a type of rebelliousness and redefining of a adult hood. Sure there are other ways that this is done but this is the most glaring example that comes to mind a the moment

All the dressing up and puzzles and such are just a rebelliousness of redefining adulthood in particular the young adult years..  

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

I'mma be on these tracks like indie girls on Amelie-Childish Gambino (My Shine)

Years after its release Amelie is still having an affect on pop culture.  In his 2011 track the rapper Childish Gambino name drops the movie in his song "My Shine" he uses the line as a way he's saying  he's going to focus on his music as much as "indie girls" focus on Amelie. It's always tongue in cheek saying that his music appeals to all groups.

On Amelie itself I've seen the film a number of times and it isn't one I get bored with similar to Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind.  Though this one for me is a much better film to cheer you up if you're feeling down. Though the other film does end "happy" though that is up to debate. In Amelie though  pretty much every character you meet get some time of resolution to them. When Amelie decideds  to set things right it isn't really malicious but just harmless mischief.  There is a real whimsical and fairy tale aspect to it. You really get this feeling in the visuals of Paris and just the vibrancy of the colors.  I did almost type musical instead of whimsical though I guess it is appropriate since the film is seeing a musical adaption.

My favorite thing that spawned from Amelie though is the show "Pushing Daises" it's a really quirky and sweet show. The creator of the show admits that Amelie is his favorite film and he drew from it.  This is scene a lot in the narration that is throughout the series.  Also it's vibrant visual style which is described somewhere between Amelie and Tim Burton. I watched the series just because of the directors comments that the show was heavily influenced by Amelie.